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Accelerating Research Discovery

Achievers University Law Journal accelerates the expansion of knowledge through the publication of high quality researched articles in law.

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Achievers University Law Research

Achievers University seeks to facilitate greater interest and deeper insight in various fields of law among students, academicians and legal scholars

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Law Journal (AULJ)

Achievers University Law Journal (AULJ) is published by the College of Law of Achievers University, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. The journal provides priceless scholarly materials on all aspects of law from national, regional and global perspectives. We aim to broaden and positively impact on the research experience of students, practitioners and scholars all over the globe with the highly impactful and well researched articles published in our print and online journal whilst we continually sensitize the public with public discussion of emerging issues of local and global importance.

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The Achievers University Law Journal invites original, unpublished manuscripts from all academicians, authors, legal professionals and Law students.

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